Monday, September 15, 2008

New Influencers... the beginning.

It seems like forever ago since I read the intro and chapter one in New Influencers, but really it's only been a week. The biggest thing I can remember thinking while reading the first chapter was, "duh."

Allow me to elaborate:

As I talked about in my last blog, being part of this generation means being right in the thick of the social media boom (beginning at a fairly young age) and sort of "growing up" with it. For an adult like Gillin, who was NOT born of the "blogosphere" age, giant leaps in technology like this require one to stop and think about what's happening around them.

Of course, sometimes being right in the middle of all the action can alter one's perception of the changes, so it's nice to know that someone will take a section of their book and dedicate it to telling me the differences between business blogs, culture blogs, gossip blogs, online diaries, etc.

So I guess what I'm trying to say with this is that it's kind of nice to be growing up with all of this knowledge that some of the older people are just trying to grasp.