Tuesday, October 21, 2008

RSS feeds to your iPhone.... wk7

Can I first say that technology is the bane of my existence? I come home from work last night only to find that my internet is completely down for reasons I do not understand... leaving me an HOUR to go do homework at the library before it closed. Needless to say, I went to finish my research paper and had no time left for social media, which of course, requires my use of the internet.

But I digress.

This morning I rushed to the PAC lab to peruse Digg to find an article to use for my PR/Social Media blog. I came across this article explaining that new technology exists from Apple for people to turn any RSS feed into an application for their iPhone. After talking about RSS feeds extensively in our social media class, I can't even begin to tell you how excited I was to actually understand this!!

Imagine the opportunities of turning ANY RSS feed you want into an application for your phone. This makes it so that any person can be the creator of his or her own personalized phone. No longer to we have to wait for applications to be created for us, we get to do the creating for ourselves! What will they come up with next?