Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Viral Marketing wk7

The viral marketing chapter in the New Influencers book was very interesting. After reading, I have to agree with something that was said within the first few pages. Gillin states that viral marketing, "is an inherently risky strategy. A viable message that doesn't catch on is a waste" (pg 180). It's amazing to me how many people are willing to take such a risk. You can have an idea, put it out there and it may catch on or it may not. It seems as though you really have nothing to lose but everything to gain. This is possibly why viral marketing is so attractive.

I've also wondered the same question B.L. Ochman wondered when he started his viral campaign "Up Your Budget": HOW DO PEOPLE FIND THIS STUFF??

The person starts a Web site that sends $10,000 to sixteen U.S. cities and basically allows any person to take the clues and try to be the first to find the money. Are there people who sit around all day just thinking, "hmm, maybe there's a Web site out there that will send me on a scavenger hunt for money?!" I'd really hope that isn't true, but sites like those and PostSecret, and Ethics Crisis that catch on and garnish tons of popularity still make me wonder HOW?