Monday, December 8, 2008

PT Loser...

So I have to do an update about my current vehicle situation, as frustrating as it seems.

I'll admit it. I hit a raccoon. Stupid fat raccoons. Am I even spelling raccoon correctly??

Anyway, I hit a raccoon and long story short... my car died the next day. As in totally blew up. I'm not even kidding you, my DIPSTICK MELTED! MELTED!! The thing is only like two inches long now. The man at the body shop told me I needed an entirely new engine. Whoa! How do these things happen to me??

After a lot of nervous waiting, insurance decided that they're going to pay for it. (*I cried I was so happy!) Then the real waiting began...

It's going on 2 straight weeks that I've been driving the dreaded PT Cruiser. I hate it. First of all, it's like the transvestite of all automobiles. It can't decide if it wants to be a car, truck, minivan, or hatchback. It's a little of everything. And I have an analog clock! What the hell, I'm going insane.

So if you see me driving around a stupid black PT LOSER and I look really pissed off... you know why.

I hope I get my Civic back soon!!


Dr. Alisa Agozzino said...

You had me laughing out loud at this post!